2013년 1월 3일 목요일

[링크] eDiscovery Market, 2012-2016

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향후 e-discovery 시장에는 몇가지 트렌드가 있습니다.

1. Techonology Assisted Review(TAR) : 기간단축과 비용절감을 위하여 각 벤더사에서는 기존의 플랫폼에 TAR 기능들을 추가할겁니다. 하지만, 이러한 방식에 대해서 명확한 규정이나 절차가 없기때문에 고객 입장에서는 투자에 주저하겠죠.

2. Cloud 방식의 e-discovery : EDRM모델 사용시 비용절감을 위하여 Cloud 방식을 적용할 것입니다.

eDiscovery Market, 2012-2016
By Radicati Team • Oct 15th, 2012 • Category: New AnnouncementsReports
eDiscovery solutions enable organizations to identify, preserve, collect, process, review, analyze, and produce enterprise data in a way that helps them satisfy their corporate compliance, retention records, internal investigation, and legal discovery requirements. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the eDiscovery Market, including:
  • Market Size, Revenue Market Share by Vendor, Four-Year Forecasts, Breakouts by Region, Detailed Market Analysis, Information on Key Regulations, and Corporate IT Survey Results.
  • In-depth analysis of leading market players: AccessData, EMC, FTI Consulting, Google, Guidance Software, HP-Autonomy, kCura, Recommind, StoredIQ, Symantec, and others.
This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the eDiscovery market.
Order eDiscovery Market, 2012-2016  

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