2014년 1월 26일 일요일

3 Key Benefits of Email Archiving

아래 article에서는 이메일 아카이빙의 3가지 장점을 다음과 같이 말합니다.

1# Storage of Intellectual Property
#2 Preparation for Legal Discovery
#3 Mining Of Customer Insights

ery business must decide what they do with old emails. Each day most employees send and receive countless emails, some or all of which may contain important information. This information may also be needed at a later date, whether an employee is searching for old correspondence, or a court order requires the business to divulge email records. This blog will detail three key benefits of email archiving in the storage of intellectual property, preparation for legal discovery and mining of customer insights.
1# Storage of Intellectual Property
It has become standard practice in most workplaces to arrive at the office and trudge through your email inbox. Due to this dependence on email there is no doubt that some emails will contain valuable intellectual property, in fact 75% of a companies intellectual property is stored in emails.

Rather than having a filing cabinet brimming with a disarray of papers and business records, it is much better for your business to use an enterprise email archive with quick search and retrieval. This allows anyone in the business to quickly find his or her correspondence, and those in charge to easily monitor and retrieve vital documents. Keeping track of intellectual property at your company is part of insuring the company’s future.

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#2 Preparation for Legal Discovery
It is possible that through legal actions a large number of email messages and the data in them will be needed for investigation. This obviously necessitates easy access to employee emails of both current and historical employees. Indeed all businesses are faced with the challenge of providing on-demand access to a continuously growing set of data generated every day.
Dries Moriss an operations director at Securicom, a specialist IT services company, said, “When users can’t access this information when they need it, they can’t do their jobs. Their productivity is hampered. For business continuity, cloud-based email archiving systems must be integrated and they must give users direct access to new and archived email. It’s become expected.”
This has become the new standard for email archiving and not meeting the standard means being unable to complete your work to the best of your ability. This means falling behind both your client’s demands but also your competitors. It is also important that when an employee leaves you know how you are going to access their past emails.
#3 Mining Of Customer Insights
It is common for businesses to conduct an email archive mining process for historical customer insights. In times of urgent recovery of contracts, agreements, relationship communication or even sales rep’s promises, discovery-driven search will need to be made. At less frantic times supporting internal initiatives such as the simple filing and retrieval of client data will become the priority. In both cases the ability to easily access old emails and find crucial pieces of information is essential.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/3-key-benefits-email-archiving-0750434#fY8RVTlrbzPe5y6K.99

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